Samuel Leong - Hong Kong Academy of Performing Arts

(doctorleong888) #1

Chapter 8: Globalization and Technology in Twenty-First-Century Education

Samuel Leong, Hong Kong Academy for Performing Arts

Information and communication technology has created a global “network society” and rearranged global interactions to create a new type of space that allows for distant synchronous, real-time interaction between people, territories, and organizations in diverse educational, cultural, economic, and political domains. This chapter surveys the inclusion of technology in twenty-first-century education policy and national curriculums, and discusses how learners and teachers can benefit from hardware and software that are increasingly complementing and converging to create products capable of multiple functions. But the emphasis on the possibilities offered by the electronic-digital and cyber dimensions should not come at the expense of the human dimension as the world becomes increasingly characterized and dominated by technology. Technology should never be allowed to define who we are or drive human choices and actions in an era of incomprehensible technological complexity and change.